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JULY 17, 2021

Hobbs Plaza, Noon

ATTENDING: Daniel P, AIS Chair and Hobbs; Carol A, Secretary and Top of Texas; Maureen H, Treasurer and Hobbs; Cathie C, Hobbs; Chris C, Hobbs; Susan B, Hobbs; Susan P, Website Coordinator and Hobbs.

Chairman Daniel called the meeting to order at 12:05 pm at Hobbs Plaza Al-Anon room.

The Group read the Concepts of Service following the Serenity Prayer.


Treasurer – approved as presented (copy attached)

Minutes – approved as circulated (copy attached)

Answering service – call count is still difficult to obtain. Carol estimates 10-15 calls are answered by volunteers each month.

Website – Susan reported 100-120 visitors with most finding our site through Google Search: 438 searched, 38 visited, 10 called and 2 asked for directions. This is June 1 through July 17.

Alateen – Maureen reported 6 new members. The group is restarting after closing during 2020 with one returning and two members transferring out. The sponsors are Liz, Maureen, Joni P, Faith and Casey. Both Hobbs and Top of Texas have sent donations.


HOBBS: Chris reported 6-12 attending the Wednesday and Friday night meetings, 1-2 on Zoom on Tuesday, Thursday includes some members from Canada.

CANYON: Chris stated 6 people are usually in attendance and the group is doing well.

TOP OF TEXAS: Carol said the Friday evening Newcomer Meeting as 1-2 in attendance and Wednesday morning remains strong with 9-12 members present.

OTHER GROUPS: No other groups reported.


October 16 meeting is in conflict with Round-Up and has been rescheduled to November 13, noon at Hobbs Plaza.

District Assembly is November 5-7 and Daniel and Chris plan to attend if it is in person.

Fall Festival was tabled.


Daniel stated his current role is AIS Chair and his function is to distribute information to all the groups. He would consider taking the vacant District Representative (DR) position if that is the consensus of the groups and someone will assume AIS Chair position.

He will email all groups asking for anyone interested in either the DR or AIS position and Susan will post it on the website. This will be an agenda item for the November meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 1:10 PM. Next Meeting is November 13, Noon, Hobbs Plaza.


Carol A, Secretary


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