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What is Al‑Anon Information Services (AIS) and Area Assembly?


An Al‑Anon Information Service (AIS) sometimes called an Intergroup, is a local service established by the groups and/or districts within its geographical boundaries. It exists to aid the groups it serves in the common purpose of carrying the Al‑Anon message

to the families and friends of alcoholics. An AIS Liaison member links the AIS to the Area.

Experience has shown that the Information Service can be a function of Districts, providing a network of communication. It is suggested that the Alternate Group Representative* serve as the Information Service Representative (ISR) and the GR* serve as the Alternate Information Service Representative. In addition, the Alternate District Representative may be a member of the AIS board, and the DR generally serves as the Alternate Information Service Board member.

An Al‑Anon Information Service usually performs the following functions:

  • Maintains a listing in the local phone directory so that those seeking information about Al‑Anon and Alateen can easily find it.

  • Maintains a post office box or an office address for listing with the World Service Office.

  • Receives postal mail, email, and phone inquiries, and forwards them to the appropriate group for response or follow‑up.

  • In cooperation with Area Group Records Coordinator, up‑dates, publishes, and distributes lists of group meetings in their local area.

  • Plans and conducts program‑exchange meetings where the groups’ Chairpersons or Program Chairpersons exchange teams of speakers for a scheduled period.

  • Serves as an avenue for local public outreach service, which is channeled through the Districts whenever possible.

  • May maintain a stock of Conference Approved Literature (CAL), and may register with the WSO as a Literature Distribution Center (LDC) to sell CAL.*

  • May maintain a website that is linked to their Area website.

  • Holds periodic meetings attended by all the Information Service Representatives where activity reports, including a financial update, are made and matters regarding the groups are discussed.

  • *The WSO will also register LDCs that operate separately from the local Information Service.

  • Prints and distributes its own newsletter of local Al‑Anon/Alateen activities for the groups that support it.

AIS phone numbers and mailing addresses are published in local directories, meeting lists, and on websites. In keeping with Tradition Eleven, AISs do not use personal numbers or addresses of any Al‑Anon member. In this way, potential members may be referred

without revealing the name, address, or phone number of any Al‑Anon or Alateen member and personal anonymity is maintained.

Any local Al‑Anon or Alateen group may agree to support an Information Service but joining is purely voluntary. The Information Service is supported by the groups it serves within its geographical boundaries; it should not seek or accept support outside that area.

Contributions are voluntary and are not a condition of membership.

The guidelines Al-Anon Information Services (G‑4), Literature Distribution Centers (G‑18) and Guideline for Al-Anon Websites (G‑40)* are posted under the Members menu at al‑

AISs send a representative, called an Al‑Anon Information Service Liaison (AISL), to Area World Service Committee and Assembly meetings. Al‑Anon Information Service Liaison (AISL) members are appointed or elected by the Information Service/Intergroup to serve as the communication link between the Information Service and the Area Assembly/Area World Service Committee.

Information Service Representative (ISR):

  • Attends meetings of the Al‑Anon Information Service (AIS/ Intergroup).

  • Acts as liaison between the group and the AIS.

  • Reports AIS activities to the group.

  • The Alternate GR may serve as the ISR, and the GR serve as the Alternate ISR.

Area Assembly

The Area Assembly is the business meeting where the groups send their representatives to express a voice and vote on behalf of the group. During an Assembly, the Delegate reports the activities of the World Service Conference. An Assembly can meet at least one or two times a year, or a minimum of once every three years. Many meet more often.

Group Representative* (GR):

  • Acts as liaison between the group and the District and be‑ tween the group and the Assembly.

  • Becomes familiar with the current edition of the Al-Anon/ Alateen Service Manual (P‑24/27) and encourages its use

  • Works through the District in helping to initiate public out‑ reach projects.

  • Encourages Alateen sponsorship in accordance with Area Alateen Safety and Behavioral Requirements.

  • Serves as local representative of their group language Al‑Anon/Alateen magazine, The Forum, Al-Anon y Alateen en acción, or Le lien by: • Acquainting members with its usefulness. • Suggesting personal subscriptions. • Submitting group subscriptions to the WSO. • Encouraging members to write articles.

  • Is elected for a three‑year term.

  • Encourages election of an Alternate GR*.

*Al-Anon and Alateen members who are also members of A.A. may not serve as GR or Alternate GR. See “Digest of Al‑Anon and Alateen Policies,” “Service Participation by Members of Al‑Anon Family Groups Who Are also Members of Alcoholics Anonymous Al-Anon and Alateen Groups at Work 61 among group members.


Guidelines for the various Al-Anon service positions and the Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual can be downloaded for free HERE.

Al-Anon and Alateen Groups at Work


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© 2020 West Texas District 1 Al-Anon/Alateen

(806) 371-6366

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