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Message from our District Rep

Hi, friends in Al-Anon!

It's time to meet to take care of District business and enjoy some fellowship at the same time. We will meet at 4 PM-530 PM, Saturday, October 7 at Clean Air (Duniven Circle, Amarillo). There will be water and tea, but no snacks are requested. Groups won't have to bring a fundraiser item.

The West Texas, Area 54 Assembly is in Abilene at the Elegante hotel on Nov. 3-5 Fri., evening to Sun. morning. Room suites are $ 109 plus tax. Assembly is a time for business, but fun. fellowship, speakers, workshop are also offered. I have a suite reserved and will go down Friday morning. I really would like to have other GR's, alternates and members from District 1 coming. It's more fun and saves all of us money. You can register online at Texas Al-Anon, Texas West website.

We have the rotation of positions coming up. A new panel, or group of Area 54 officers is elected. That means that the District/AIS also has elections.

Open Positions:

  • District Representative

  • Alternate District Representative

  • Alternate DR

  • Secretary

  • Treasurer

  • AIS Liaison

  • other offices in AIS.

The positions that lead to the World Service Conference votes, DR, Alternate, and AIS must be Al-Anon-only members, having been a GR also.

Several current officers are willing to continue. I will for one year in order to finish up a full three years, but any one member may choose to serve. It has been a learning, stretching, growing experience in my Al-Anon walk. Please send at least one representative from your group even if the GR or alternate can not come.

We will discuss the Heal the City introductory meeting, as to whether to continue and to officially register it. Six local groups have been involved in serving one month. We've had to be flexible and open to change, as HTC is changing. Few newcomers have come, but this is also a meeting for us, too. Please invite, accompany, or support newcomers at your groups in attendance.

We will have reports from District and AIS faithful servants and discuss a fundraiser for AIS/ District. Please share with your groups the need for AIS, District, Area, and WSO support, all levels of service for keeping Al-Anon going. Susan P., website coordinator, is going to have an Al-Anon table at the ARAD event on the same day. Email her, if you are interested in helping. Please come and enjoy service, that Twelfth Step we all can take. Kathy W., DR


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