Al-Anon Declaration
Let It Begin with Me
When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, let the hand of Al-Anon and Alateen always be there, and—
Let It Begin with Me.
Taken from “PAGE 47” 0f the Service Manual: on line:
Group Representative* (GR): your group should have a GR or an Alternate (AGR)….
· Acts as liaison between the group and the district and between the group and the Assembly.
* Al‐Anon and Alateen members who are also members of A.A. may not serve as GR or Alternate GR. See “Digest of Al‐Anon and Alateen Policies,” Dual Membership in Al‐Anon/Alateen and A.A.
AIS MEETING ~ January 13, 2018 ~ 1:00 pm ~ Clean Air
Your GR or AGR needs to send reports concerning your group or plan to be in attendance.
1. Discussion on adding and / or discontinuing meetings that are needed not well attended
2. GR / AGR attending assembly
3. Outreach / Heal the City
4. Mailbox for correspondence
5. Fundraiser
6. Participation in “Old Timers Reunion”
If your Group will NOT be represented at the AIS January Meeting, will you please email your report to Lori Wilhelm at: loriLwilhelm@gmail. Again if you are a “Registered Group” of Al-Anon, there are guidelines.
You can find all about it in the Service Manual online at:
Below is a flyer for the upcoming AIS Meeting. Please distribute to your groups.