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District Summer Meeting Minutes


July 14, 2018 Noon Hobbs Plaza

Carol Autry, Secretary, opened the meeting with a moment of silence followed by the Serenity Prayer. Voting members present: Laurie – Hobbs, Maurine – Alateen, Ann, Touch of Soul, Lori-Moss Ln, Vance-Clean Air, Kyle-Courage to Change and Carol – Top of Texas.

Also present: Karen, Mary, Suzanne, Susan.

Treasurer’s Report – Ann R: Beginning balance $473.29, deposits $189.10, expenses $121.28 for an ending balance of $541.11. Report was approved as presented. (Copy attached)

Secretary Report – Carol A: Minutes from Oct. 7 District meeting were reviewed and approved as presented. (Copy attached)

District Rep Spring Report – Kyle H for Kathy W: There are 17 active Al-Anon groups and one Alateen group in District 1. Heal the City outreach has been suspended for now. ARAD Saturday meetings at 2:00 are an outreach for families of patients at the facility. This was Kathy W’s last report as DR. Report accepted as presented. (Copy attached)

WTA Spring Assembly Report – Kyle H for Kathy W: Kyll H has agreed to service District 1 as District Representative. Alternate DR is still open. Fall Assembly is in Abilene. The Spring WTA was in Dallas, May 3-5. There were several break out meetings and the General Meeting was long but informative with reports from Delegate to WSC, Kay Miles. There was discussion on rotating Area Assemblies in the spring and keeping the Fall Assembly in Abilene. The fall meeting is Nov. 2-3 in Abilene. New literature is available: “Intimacy in Alcoholic Relationships”. All reports and information are available on the website. Report approved as presented. (Copy attached)

Election: Carol A stated Kyll H is a candidate for District Rep and asked for any other nominations. Hearing none, the group moved to elect Kyll by acclimation. Ann R, Treasurer, and Carol A, Secretary, have agreed to stay in their positions to the end of their term, Sept 2019. The DR term will end Sept. 2020. Mary __ agreed to serve as Alternate DR. Kathy W has agreed to help with District records and Area Records. WSO is no longer the primary records keeper. The Area Records Chair in in charge.

Meeting Schedule Discussion: A proposal was made to establish four dual AIS/District meetings per year. Discussion was held and was continued in the AIS meeting that followed.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 12:30 PM.


Carol Autry,



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