12:00 - 1:30 pm
Hobbs Al-Anon Room
4000-B SW 58th St., Bldg. C
Amarillo, TX
Social distancing and masks required.
We will have elections for open positions.
Please send a representative from your group to participate in this important service.
"An Al-Anon Information Service (AIS) is a local service established by one or more groups or districts located close enough to one another for easy access and communication. Any local Al-Anon or Alateen group may participate in an information service. An AIS exists to aid the groups it serves in the common purpose of carrying the Al-Anon message to the suffering families and friends of alcoholics.
What Services Does an AIS Provide to the Groups It Serves? (may include one or all of the following)
• Receives inquiries and directs them to the appropriate group. A list of group contacts, with telephone numbers and e-mail addresses, should be kept up-to-date for this purpose.
• Publishes a local meeting directory.
• Collaborates with the Area Group Records Coordinator to keep meeting information up-to-date.
• Channels local Alateen and Public Outreach inquiries to a local AIS or district committee.
• Maintains a supply of complimentary literature to give newcomers, the professional community, and the general public.
• May distribute its own newsletter of local activities and articles written by members for the groups it serves, in keeping with the Traditions. See Guidelines for Newsletter Editors (G-21).
• Holds periodic meetings attended by Information Service Representatives (ISRs) from the groups it serves. AIS activity reports are made and discussions held on matters relating to the AIS and the groups. Other topics may include public outreach projects and fund-raising events.
• May maintain an AIS Web site, in cooperation with the Area. See Guideline for Al-Anon Web Sites (G-40)."
from Alanon Guidelines G4