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12:00 - 1:30 pm

Hobbs Al-Anon Room

4000-B SW 58th St., Bldg. C

Amarillo, TX

(pending approval)

Chairman Daniel called the meeting to order at noon with a reading from April 17 Courage to Change, a moment of silence followed by the Serenity Prayer.

ATTENDING: Daniel P. Chair; Chris C – Hobbs; Susan P – Hobbs; Maureen H – Hobbs; Ann R – TOT; Cathie C – Hobbs; Carol A – Top.


Treasurer: Maureen reported beginning balance of $4,067.07, deposits $151.46, expenses $970 and ending balance of $3,323.53.

Minutes: Carol asked for changes or corrections to the February minutes. None made;

Minutes approved (copy attached).

Answering Service: Carol reported call report for March had not arrived. Usual number of calls, answering service people still working from home and do not have access to the meeting schedule. Volunteers always offer the website address to those that want it.

Website: Susan stated there were 117 new hits, with repeats around 15%. On Google

My Business 341 people found the website, 28 visited it and 4 called.

Alateen: Maureen reported 4 sponsors and 1 substitute, 2 newcomers with an average

of 5 at a meeting Monday evenings.


Daniel reached out to every group in our district. List attached with details. He stated

most are doing well and do not need any funding or literature at this time.


Upcoming meetings: July 17 and Oct 16 are confirmed with a noon start time (determined by those present).

WSO update: Daniel has a list of the Area 52 contacts (Susan will email to AIS members).

Agnes is the record keeper for Area 52. Changes will go from Susan to Agnes and Agnes

updates WSO.

Food Festival: The group agreed to defer the event until Spring 2022.


General Assembly May 8 is a Zoom meeting. Chris from Hobbs agreed to represent District 1.

The group agreed not to make a donation to Peggy D, Delegate.

July Meeting: Format will remain hybrid for now. Daniel will encourage outlying groups to participate via Zoom as we are lacking input from their groups. Information about the meeting will be listed on website and Facebook page.

Discussion followed on radio, TV spots available from WSO to run as PSAs on local media. Maureen will follow up on someone to organize this.

Round up – Maureen stated it is scheduled for Sept. 23-26 at the Embassy Suites, Amarillo.

Meeting adjourned at 1:10 PM


Carol A, Secretary


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