February 6, 2020
Hobbs Plaza
Attending in Person:
Ann R. - Top
Daniel P. - Hobbs/AIS Chair
Susan P. - Hobbs
Carol A. - Top/Secretary
Cathie C. - Hobbs
Attending on Zoom:
Maureen H. - Alateen
Daniel called the meeting to order at 1:00 PM.
He offered opening remarks as the incoming Chairman and asked for Group Reports. Hobbs and Top of Texas reported low numbers and struggling with funds. Ann R with Top explained that group is unable to donate to AIS at this time.
Minutes: There were no minutes from the last meeting.
Treasurer: Maureen H. reported an end of year balance of $4,217.07, two deposits for $75, one expense of $970 for the annual fee to the answering service and a current balance of $3,323.53. She stated AIS had a fund balance due to the last fundraiser. The report was accepted.
Answering Service: Carol A. stated a low number of calls, all volunteer spots are full and meeting information is up to date.
Website: Susan P. reported 100 unique visits to the website per month and 1,000 hits on the Google My Business page and more searches by phone than by computer. Many are searching for Zoom meetings including one from Guymon, OK. The plan is to continue Tuesday evening Zoom meetings into the future.
She said the Events Page on the website needs current listings as well as posted to the Facebook page. AIS meetings are listed for April 17, July 17 and October 16. Ann R. reported Top of Texas Anniversary is the first weekend in March.
Alateen: Maureen H. stated the Zoom meetings were not comfortable for the members and they are not in close touch. They do plan to reconvene person to person meetings. She has sent Alateen information to the school counselors. Kyll H has resigned as a sponsor.
District: During discussion of the inactive status, Ann R recommended leaving the funds separated due to the problems encountered when trying to separate them in the past.
WSO: There are meetings errors on the WSO website. Daniel will contact B. J. Maxey, area chair, to learn how to correct the meeting information.
New Business:
Daniel led a discussion of how to encourage the groups to report to AIS and for AIS to know their needs. It was decided that Daniel would call all the groups and see if they have any unmet needs and encourage reports to and attendance at AIS so we are all informed. He will share the Zoom meeting information.
Ann R. made a motion to meet again on April 17 with a second from Cathie C. The motion passed. This meeting will be before the Area Assembly in May.
Meeting adjourned at 2:15.
Carol Autry, Secretary